Saturday, January 14, 2012

Spies Among Us!

Magnus- Ecstatic His Million-Dollar Bill Has a Taker!
As Villagers and Peeps settled into their many tasks last Thursday morning, some of the more observant may have noticed two strange Peeps in our midst. Ostensibly just travelers passing through, looking for a friendly Village to settle in, they were later discovered to be Roman spies sent by Her Majesty, Queen Cleopatra, to find out what's been happening in EcoPeeps.

Well, the report to her highness must have been unfavorable, because we later received a letter announcing her displeasure at the EcoVillagers lackadaisical approach to farming, temple building and the like. Cleopatra, it seems, will be dropping by for a visit in the coming weeks and is fully expecting to find bustling farms, markets and a Temple dedicated to Her Esteemed Self.

Needless to say, the Villagers burst into action. By the time we left school on Thursday, a Temple was through the design stage and well on into the construction phase. In addition, there was a Statue being planned and a mad dash to the Trading Post to purchase seeds.

After many meetings and discussions, a town government was decided on- a Matriarchy. Although some of the Gentlemen are understandably concerned over this recent turn of events, there was one who quickly adapted by adopting a female alter ego and joining his/her sisters in bustling about and creating law and order and other functions of government.

The town's Accountants have been engaged in auditing the Bank the last few weeks.The Bank Manager has been slow to deliver the required paperwork, but has, at last, managed to do so. Hopefully, all will go well with the audit. We shall see!

Magnus Magnusson (Dee's devious Peep) left the Village hurriedly a few weeks ago after having tried, unsuccessfully, to pass a one million dollar bill off in the Village. We continue to hear of him from the most unlikely places - most recently from a Walmart, where he was arrested for trying to pass counterfeit money, and then from the Spy Museum in Washington DC, where he claims to have found folks who will take his large bill. I have no doubt that he will soon find the U.S of A. a little too "hot" for comfort and will try to find passage to some foreign shore.

Elsewhere in the Village, the town journalists were at work writing for the paper, more bank loans were applied for, building materials orders were placed, business owners plied their wares, and other general affairs of plain living were engaged in.

Yours 'till next time,
Cheryl, Carey, Paul, and Dee (from a remote spy location)

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