Saturday, September 24, 2011

Village Week 3- Jobs Posted

The new Village economy was all abuzz with the promise of jobs and a monetary loan from Queen Cleopatra this week. We who will be producing food for the Queen are as of yet undecided as to our new Village’s name. Teetering between resentment at our impending servitude (to be farmers for the Queen) and the harsh realities of living off the land, there was even talk in the Village of poisoning Her Majesty to gain independence. The Roman Magnus’s loyalty to the Queen was made apparent as was Nubian Baket’s fear as she warned of the dangers of defying the Queen’s wishes. While mutiny is in the air, its likelihood has subsided for now.

The politics of the matter were not the most prevailing concern, however, as Villagers prepared resumes and completed job applications for the roles they might inhabit in our, as of yet, unformed economy. A postal business was established by Villagers Sunnie and Sarah; and talks were held to decide upon the matters of naming the Village and choosing a Secretary and Moderator. Such decisions are sure to be addressed in the coming weeks. The jobs of Trading Post Manager, Bank Manager and Village Accountant, all very important, are also needing to be filled.

Fortunately, Mr. Paul joined Village this week and gave guidance in writing the necessary resumes and filling out the job applications. (From Ms. Dee and Ms. Carey)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Village Week 2- The Land

This week in Village, after receiving a letter on high from Queen Cleopatra herself, peeps from all over the region participated in the gentle rush for land in our newly established Village bound on the north by the River Nile.

Each peep, confined by a 288 peep foot perimeter (which is 12 giant’s feet), staked out his or her property and fashioned temporary housing for him or herself or a surrogate. As was mandated by Queen Cleopatra—no property shall remain unoccupied! (Apparently, the predator squirrels do not fully respect Queen Cleopatra’s authority or the boundaries of a string property line.) These temporary shelters are limited to what is natural and can be found on the land within the bounds of the EcoSchool fence. A great variety of sturctures appeared, and Homesteaders are already discussing plans for their properties.

Progress on the land in this week was great and all are optimistic that our as of yet unnamed new Village will thrive on the west bank of the River Nile.

We have begun creating journals in which to record our precious information on the adventures we may have in this Village. The journals should make for convenient storage during the coming year, as well as a marvelous keepsake for afterward. (From Ms. Dee and Ms. Carey)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Village Week 1- Meet the Peeps

We determine the ethnic make-up of our Village, and discover (not surprisingly) that most of us are Egyptians, but a few of us are from the other cultures found in the Mediterranean basin and beyond: a few Romans, some Greeks, a Parthian and a Nubian. We spent some time creating the background of our Peeps, and in coming weeks their stories will be ready for presentation in a formal introduction to the whole Village.

In an official letter, we are commanded by our queen, Cleopatra, to found a Village to provide food for both ourselves and Egypt, but also for the Romans, led by none other than Julius Caesar himself. (Ms. Dee)

I feel honored to have been at the birth of this year's Peeps at Village this past Thursday. Dee set the stage; we are Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Parthians, and Nubians living in Egypt, 48 BC. As the die was cast (literally— and with a little trading), I witnessed the birth of my own Peep, Baket Iset, the only Nubian I know of in our Village. Though all Peeps begin on equal footing in a sense, penniliess and shoeless, there was much ado about Peep castes. Apparently, we are each Upper, Middle, or Lower class. I wonder what bearing that will have....

I saw that from all of the same raw materials, each Peep is born unique. From the color of the Fimo and pipe cleaners to the shape of the affixed heads, I saw each person lovingly sculpt his or her new Village persona, experienced and unexperienced alike. I fall in the middle as I have subbed and attended Village a time or two, but it was wholly different to really be a part of it from the beginning. I saw some fabulous hair, amazing feet and shoes. There were dresses, cloaks, shawls, and head covers galore. I can't wait to play again.

It seems Peep rulers will be needed in Village. If you don't know about Peep rulers, a "real" half-inch is equivalent to one Peep foot. Turns out, Baket is eight Peep feet tall, and an aspiring healer. I heard others murmuring their Peep's hopes and dreams, and can only imagine what this Peep lifetime will bring! (From Ms. Carey)