Thursday, January 26, 2012

Get Busy- Cleopatra is Coming!

Gigantors Construct a Temple in Her Queen's Honor.
With Cleopatra expected to arrive within the next two weeks, the Village is all abuzz with activity.

Two itinerant Roman citizens (or spies) arrived in Village this past week to remind us of Cleopatra's disfavor and the likely display of Her wrath should the Villagers not be prepared for Her Glorious Arrival. Apparently, She can be quite testy if things are not to Her Imperial Liking. And, of course, Cleopatra has the angst-ridden Roman Empire making constant demands of  Egypt to keep Her forever worried. If it's not one thing it's another!

In an all out effort to appease and impress her Divine Majesty, the Villagers have been busily planting crops, planning a town center, designing and building temples, creating honorary statuary, constructing a pyramid; there is a shrine dedicated to Bastet, exotic animals being collected as gifts, rare fruits and tantalizing treats of every description being gathered for a sumptuous feast...the list goes on and on and on.

The recently planted crops are doing well and it is hoped that they are sufficient for the hungry Roman troops that are forever clamoring for more.  The Primary class has been busily creating a mock Nile River, complete with flora and fauna; this is sure to please Her Majesty. We hope.

Optimistic Gigantor Constructs Her Peep's Home
Amidst all of this, of course, there is the work of the Gigantors (the over sized beings that are always lurking behind the Peeps). The Trading Post Managers, who have been running the Trading Post for several months now, have repaid half of their initial Bank Loan ($1000) and have subsequently announced their impending resignation. This has inspired a rash of new applicants for the coveted positions. Meanwhile, the local Journalists are drumming up news stories and scandal to print in next week's paper and houses are optimistically under construction.

On the political front, the Villagers held a vote last week to see if the Matriarchal Government (which won by a landslide vote several weeks ago) would allow all residents to vote in Village matters or only Girls and Women. The decision, again by a landslide, was that all members could participate in decision-making. It was difficult to tell if the Gentlemen were relieved or disgruntled. There was some back row muttering about the joys of not having to join in meetings....  Ah, the burdens of living in a liberated world!

We'll keep you all posted on the outcome of Cleo's visit - Wish Us Luck!

Yours in Village,
Cheryl, Carey, Paul and Julie

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